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Use of HCO's Certification Logo

HCO’s Policy on the Use of HCO Logo

HCO logo is the intellectual property, and a registered Trademark whose rights are owned by Halal Certification Organisation (HCO).

Any document including, but not limited to any Report or any Certificate, provided by HCO and the copyright contained therein shall be and remain the property of HCO and the Client shall not alter or misrepresent the contents of such documents in any way.

The Client shall be entitled to make copies for its internal purposes only.

Duplicates of Certificates are available upon request for external communication purposes.

Organisations which have contractually been accorded HCO Halal Certification either for a product or the site or both; the HCO logo may be used on all communication tools of the organisation such as letterheads, compliment slips, business cards, marketing materials, videos, websites, advertising, exhibition graphics, electronic media and company vehicles only if the full range of products manufactured at all sites of the organisation have been contractually authenticated and validated for halal status by HCO.

The HCO logo can only be depicted on the packaging of halal products approved by HCO if the full product range has not been certified in case of third-party certification bodies and approved agencies either in the UK or abroad; and the media and advertising channels with expressed permission for such use.


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